What hurts your back? How to properly treat it and what you can make of the evil

For the back pain you complain about 85% of the people. How to properly treat and if you can get rid of the pain once and for all?

Back pain? You are not alone! The data of sociological researches show that back pain is the second after viral infections because of the disability of the adult population. It is born with us (according to the neonatologist, 80-90% of children at the time of birth undergo spinal injury), and sooner or later overtakes every. I am of the opinion that it is a punishment to the biped position. As well as the growth of a man load on the spine increases, already the problems of the spinal column become stronger, and stress, experiences, obesity, stress, sedentary lifestyle aggravate the problems and the back pain may also occur at an early age.

the pain in the back

That makes us evil?

In the vast majority (about 95%) the pain associated with the muscles, ligaments and joints. Popularly it is called pull back. These pains are unpleasant, but not dangerous and in most cases are only 2-3 days.

3-4% pain associated with radiculopathy (sciatica) – spinal injury back. Damaged usually has a hernia. The pain disappears, when it passes the swelling resulting from the pressing.

1-2% of back pain caused by injury or inflammatory diseases of the spine, processes, diseases of the cardiovascular system or the gastrointestinal tract, in which the pain can pass in the rear. This is the most dangerous of back pain. To prevent these diseases, make sure to consult with your doctor.

We can not wait any more

The main indicator of what you are in need of medical care, the regularity of the pain. If you estorce a long time – probably, nothing serious. If the pain is mild or medium intensity, and persecute you, without respite, do not delay. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor if the pain is accompanied by an increase of the temperature or the pain increases during the treatment.

My pain, you see my! Why to a sore back young Read more

In the house

The most effective remedy – anti-inflammatory oral medications. Just do not overdo it – they are safe only the first time. In case of intake of these medicines can cause ulcers and bleeding of the mucosa of the stomach. Traditional home-treatment – non-steroidal masi – can only be used as additional measures. They are harmless, but they are ineffective. Relief gives, and wears a corset – fastening download the spine, relieves spasms and reduces the sudden movements. Only the corset must be normal elastic, and not heating.

If the treatment has no effect for three days, see a doctor, that will make the anti-inflammatory injections. Due to relieve spasms and muscle relaxation the pain goes away once and often for ever.


Turkish bath and massage services are strictly prohibited. They strengthen the swelling and the pain.

Access to the chiropractic therapists ad in the newspaper. Chiropractic care – this is an area where every specialist has three hundreds of charlatans. If you really want to find a good doctor, if you apply to the certificate of the clinic, where they work, the graduate.

It is important to properly identify the treatment tactics. This should take a neurologist or neurosurgeon. From just a cure for your back dangerous. 30% of the patients of the department of neurosurgery tested on a self-therapy of the house and this has brought up in the hospital.

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To cut or not?

More recently, the man that a diagnosis of "hernia", you have immediately given the direction for the operation. Today the operation take place only in the presence of indications:

  • persistent pain, not from any of the pills;
  • disorders of the pelvic functions – incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • weakness and numbness in the leg.

All of these symptoms make an operation is inevitable, because without it, the patient may become a handicap.

What is the risk

The risk of the transaction, for which its postpone or reject, in general, many patients believe strongly exaggerated. In neurosurgery, there are technologies that allow you to calculate with accuracy the effectiveness of a surgery and what are the symptoms after they disappear, and which will remain.

The probability of recurrence of the pain after surgery is not higher than 1-1,5%. Hernia in other places, in fact, may appear, but is not a complication, and the spread of the disease, which often occurs in the young and unruly patients. Once the pain goes away, they return to normal life: you put on the steering wheel, they renew the workout. And to do this it is absolutely impossible.

All because of a sore back?

Chronic back pain degenerative-dystrophic change of the space intervertebral. Signs of degenerative disc disease there are all the people over the age of 25 years. Avoid the degenerative disc disease is impossible, but you can protect yourself from its complications, which are the cause of back pain.